Skype Communication Tips
Playing it safe
When you make calls on Skype, it's important to keep safety and courtesy in mind too. Even though you're most likely talking to people you trust, you can expose yourself (and others) in unexpected ways. For example, how would you feel if you were dancing in your living room, then realized your coworker was watching you on Skype? Yikes! To avoid mishaps, always keep these safety tips in mind:
- If someone walks into the room, let that person know you're on a call. Otherwise, he or she could say (or do) something disruptive or inappropriate without even realizing you're using Skype. This is especially important if you're on a video call. Not everyone is comfortable appearing on camera.
- If you're not conversing in a private space, give the caller fair warning too. Otherwise, the same risks apply. The person on the other end is just as likely to say or do something in confidence, then regret it (or become angry) after finding out you're not alone.
- Be conscious of other people when using Skype in public. Be careful not to discuss personal information such as your address, bank account, or Social Security Number. You never know who could be listening, and you don't want your information to be used for identity theft.
- Always hang up when you're done. It's the only way to prevent the other person from seeing or hearing you later by accident. (Like when you're dancing in your living room!) If you choose to leave the call engaged while you do something else (maybe during a study group), be especially mindful of your privacy. It's easy to forget the presence of another person when that person is not physically in the room.
Solving technical issues
When you experience a technical problem on Skype, the best place to go for help is its website—and specifically the Support Home Page. There, you can choose a topic or conduct a search related to your problem (for example, "strange sound", or "why do I hear an echo"). Topics from the support site that you may find useful include: