What is PowerPoint 2000?
A. Presentation graphics application
B. Word processing application
C. Typing technique
D. Computer power source
What can you add to slides using PowerPoint?
A. Text, graphics, release buttons, toggle buttons, view buttons
B. Text, graphics, photos, clip art, sound, and video graphics
C. Text, graphics, photos, clip art, oil painting, and watercolor
D. Text, clip art, high-speed Internet access, CD player, and television
What do view buttons do?
A. Allow you to exit PowerPoint
B. Allow you to change monitor settings
C. Control the way presentations are displayed on your computer
D. None of the above
What does Normal View contain?
A. Outline pane, slide pane, notes pane
B. Background pane, foreground pane, end pane
C. Normal settings of your browser
D. Note View of Word 2000
What does Slide Show View allow you to see?
A. A presentation electronically as it will appear to an audience
B. A presentation as an outline
C. A presentation as notes
D. All of the above
What is clip art?
A. Art created using newspaper clippings
B. An image found in the Art & Craft folder of PowerPoint
C. An image or images you can add to a presentation
D. None of the above
Placeholders can be moved or sized using what?
A. Sizing handles
B. Placeholder movers
C. The move button
D. The hold key
Which is the best menu to use to create a new or custom design?
A. View
B. Format
C. Table
D. None of the above
The best view for moving, copying, and deleting slides is __________?
A. Slide Sorter View
B. Slide Show View
C. Control View
D. Slide Action View
Which button allows you to add a hyperlink to a presentation?
A. Add a link button
B. Hyperlink connector button
C. Insert here button
D. Insert Hyperlink button
A master slide allows all the slides in a presentation to have what?
A. Control over the browser
B. The same design elements
C. The same number of handouts
D. None of the above
How do you create a master slide?
A. Choose View
Web Master
B. Choose View
C. Choose Edit
Slide Show
D. Choose View
Slide Master
Which AutoLayout do you choose to create an original slide?
A. First
B. Blank
C. Table
D. None of the above
How do you add animation to a slide?
A. File
Live Animation
B. Edit
Active Animation
C. Slide show
Custom Animation
D. None of the above
How do you make the transition from slide to slide?
A. Slide Show
B. Slide Show
Add Animation
C. Slide Show
Slide Transition
D. None of the above
What is the first step in adding a new slide?
A. Add
New (Ctrl+N)
B. New Slide
Plus (Ctrl+Plus)
C. Insert
New Slide (Ctrl+M)
D. New Slide on the Start menu
What are the four options for printing a presentation?
A. Slides, Handouts, Notes Pages, Outline View
B. Slides, Sheets, Notes, Overview
C. Handouts, Pages, Copies, Presentation View
D. Handouts, Outlines, Sheets, Presentation View
Which menu allows you to change slide background and font size and add bullets?
A. Help
B. Table
C. Windows
D. Format
To change text formatting in a PowerPoint slide, first click on the text in the __________.
A. center slide
B. placeholder
C. toolbar
D. text tool