In Excel, the cell address is:
A. the active cell
B. a cell's column and row location
C. the darkened border around the active cell
D. another name for the Formatting toolbar
The type of data entered into an Excel worksheet is:
A. text
B. numbers
C. formulas
D. all of the above
A group of cells is called a:
A. range
B. group of cells
C. flock
D. determinant
To select all sheets in an Excel workbook:
A. right-click any sheet tab and choose Select All Sheets from the shortcut menu
B. hold the Shift key down and click the sheet tab of each worksheet
C. click a sheet tab
D. do none of the above
Excel uses formulas to:
A. enter data
B. perform calculations within a spreadsheet
C. edit data
D. delete data
You can copy complex formulas using the:
A. fill handle
B. copy and paste function
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
True or False: Formatting cells affects the look of the cell contents.
A function is:
A. a predefined formula
B. a range of cells
C. an Excel wizard
D. none of the above
To insert a column or row in a worksheet:
A. use the Insert menu
B. right-click and choose Insert from the shortcut menu
C. select column or row heading and choose Insert from the shortcut menu
D. do any of the above
To adjust column width:
A. click and drag the cell border
B. click and drag the column header
C. use AutoFit
D. use both B and C
Copy cell contents using:
A. copy and paste
B. drag and drop while holding the Ctrl key
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
True or False: You can merge cells in Excel.
True or False: You can change font, font size, font style, and color in Excel.
Not all of your data fits on an 8.5x11 spreadsheet. Possible page setup options include:
A. choosing landscape orientation
B. shrinking the data so it fits on the desired page
C. choosing a larger paper size
D. performing any of the above
In Excel, you can adjust margins with:
A. the Page Setup dialog box
B. Print Preview mode
C. The Ruler
D. both A and B
To create an embedded chart:
A. use the Chart toolbar
B. use Data Wizard
C. choose Insert
D. perform both A and C
True or False: You can edit your data in Print Preview mode.
The range of cells that make up a chart is called:
A. legend
B. source data
C. workbook
D. data window
When inserting cells, you can:
A. shift cells left
B. shift cells up
C. insert an entire row of cells
D. insert an entire column of cells
E. do all of the above