Tag - Automatic Tag from filename ================================= Tag is a small tool to work with tags in various compressed audio formats. Main features: * Support for multiple standards: - ID3v1.x - ID3v2.x (reading and removing) - APE v1.0 - APE v2.0 - Vorbis comments - FLAC comments - Lyrics3 v2.0. * View tags * Generate tags from filenames * Modify tag values manually * Tag files with information read from CDDB files * Copy tags from one file to another * Convert tags to different format * Remove tags * Rename files based on tag information * Move files to directories generated from tag values * Generate Winamp playlists (optionally with AlbumList extensions and playing times) * Generate text files with information about tracks and album (format customizable) * Decode files and name output using tag information * Test mode that shows what would happen without actually doing anything to files Tag is released as freeware. Use at your own risk. Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Case, case@mobiili.net, http://www.ca5e.tk/ ID3v2 support with id3lib, http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: ------------- Uncompress Tag to any directory. For easiest use I recommend including that directory in PATH or uncompressing Tag to Windows directory. Usage: ------ Tag is a command line tool, meaning that you have to type all the commands from Command Prompt in Windows. If you are not familiar with Command Prompt you should take a look at the great Frontend made by Speek. You can download the Frontend from http://home.wanadoo.nl/~w.speek/tag.htm. To use tag from command line type: Tag [options] [] means that options are optional, they are not needed <> means that filenames / directories / @file_with_parameters are required There are several options, to view basic options just execute Tag without any parameters: Tag To view every option use parameter --help: Tag --help Different options are explained later in this readme. Filenames and directories can contain wildcards '*' and '?'. file_with_parameters is a text file that contains all the parameters you would pass to Tag from command line. For example *.* means every file in current directory, *.mp3 means every .mp3 file in current directory, a*.* means any file starting with 'a' in current directory, a?.* means any file that has two characters in it's name and starts with 'a'. Tag also supports wildcards in directory names, for example: *\*.mp3 means any file with extension .mp3 in all subdirectories of current directory. If Tag gets directory name as parameter it will search all files in in. Other basic option regarding directories and file searching is --recursive, it tells Tag to search files also from all subdirectories. For example command: Tag "C:\My Music\*.mp3" --recursive will search all .mp3 files in "C:\My Music" and in all of it's subdirectories. Filename can also be M3U playlist, Tag will then read filenames from it. To learn more about features of Tag you can add option --test to command line and no files will get modified. Viewing tags: ------------- Default mode of operation is to display contents of tags and with MP3s, MPCs and Oggs also some information about the files. To view this information simply call Tag with filenames as parameter. For example: Tag *.* will display tags of all supported files in current directory. Tagging: -------- You have five ways to tag your files: 1. Let Tag guess the values for you from filename 2. Tell Tag how your files are named and it will generate values 3. Manually enter tag values 4. Combination of all of the above 5. Read tag information from tag.ini file or CDDB file Method one is easiest but it requires that your files are named using one of the standard naming schemes. Currently Tag recognizes about 50 different schemes, so most probably it will work. You can test if it will work for you by using following command in the directory with files to be tagged: Tag --auto --test *.* This will view tag values that would have been guessed by Tag. If you see text "generated from name" on the screen and tag values are correct you know that guessing works with your filenames. To actually write the tags remove the parameter --test and use: Tag --auto *.* If automatic mode didn't view correct information on your files you can manually specify the scheme used in your filenames. Scheme is the way filenames are constructed, telling which part of the name (or directory) corresponds to what information. This is told by using identifiers and separators, possible identifiers are: T = Title A = Artist L = Album N = Track number Y = Year G = Genre C = Comment X = text to be disrecarded All other text is considered as separator. For example the scheme for file Red Hot Chili Peppers - 01 - Around The World.mp3 is A - N - T You don't need to worry about the filename extension, it will be automatically ignored. Scheme can also be used with directories, for example if our example file was Californication\Red Hot Chili Peppers - 01 - Around The World.mp3 we can get the Album name with scheme L\A - N - T If your filenames have more information just add new identifiers and Tag will use the text in your tags. If there is some text in the middle of the name that you do not want to store in tags you can use identifier X to mark it. For example C:\My Music\Rock\Full Albums\The Beatles\White Album\11. Blackbird.mp3 has text "Full Albums" after genre Rock, and we want to ignore that text. Scheme is G\X\A\L\N. T Hopefully you now understand how schemes are constructed. You can now tag your files with command: Tag --auto --scheme If you first want to see what the resulting tags would be like, add parameter --test: Tag --test --auto --scheme If you don't want to use automatic tag generation you can of course also enter all information manually. There are easy-to-use switches to enter standard fields and a general switch to enter any field to tags. Easy switches are: --artist : artist is --title : title is --album : album is --track : track number is --comment : comment is --genre : genre is --year : year is General switch is -t "item=x" : item is x Multiple calls to any of these switches are possible. These switches can also be used when automatic tag generation is used, user entered values will always override generated values. To tag using tag.ini or CDDB file as source your files need to be in the same directory with the source text files. And their names must be in form "TrackNN.XXX", NN being the track number and XXX one of the supported file extensions. After that simply call Tag with text file as parameter, for example: Tag *. will search all files without extension and if they are CDDB files it will tag tracks with the information from the file. Renaming: --------- Tag allows fast mass renaming of files to match naming scheme you specify. You can also move the files to subdirectories according to your scheme. The renaming can be done by using tags already in your files, or if the files don't have tags they can be renamed based on the scheme of original names. To rename using tags you need to tell Tag the new scheme you want with parameter --scheme. Let's assume our file Red Hot Chili Peppers - 01 - Around The World.mp3 has correct tags and we want to rename it to be 01. Around The World.mp3 New name uses scheme "N. T" so we call Tag with command: Tag --rentag --scheme "N. T" To rename files without using tags option --scheme specifies scheme of old names. If it is not specified Tag will try to autodetect it. Parameter --rentag is used to specify the new scheme of files. The command to rename our example file Red Hot Chili Peppers - 01 - Around The World.mp3 to 01. Around The World.mp3 without using tags would be: Tag --scheme "A - N - T" --rentag "N. T" or since the above example would be autodetected you can simply call: Tag --rentag "N. T" If you also want to move the files to subdirectories use option --move. To move our example file to subdirectory Californication we would add "L\" in front of the new scheme and add option --move to command line. So with our example file the command would be: Tag --rentag --scheme "L\N. T" --move or without using tags: Tag --rename "L\N. T" --move Generating Playlists: --------------------- Tag can generate playlists for your tracks, naming the lists by the name of the directory files are in, by scheme "Album artist - Album title", or use the name you specify. Playlists have playing times, Winamp's display title and AlbumList extensions by default, but if wanted they can also contain only filenames. By default playlists are sorted by track number, but they can also be sorted by duration: track duration size: filesize name: name with full path path: only file path basename: filename without path extension: file extension attrib: file attributes time_access: time file was last accessed time_create: time file was created time, date: time file was last modified bitrate: bitrate of file channels: audio channels in file samplerate: samplerate of file format: audio format : any item in tag (artist, title, track, comment, genre, year...) Sorting order can also be reversed. You can tell Tag to write only one playlist of all files or to write multiple playlists, one to every directory with files. Tag will try to automatically detect album artist and album title from tags, but those can also be given with parameters --a-artist and --a-title. Sorting options are given with parameter --sort, and if you want to sort by multiple properties add new properties with parameter --sort+. Playlist options: --playlist : generate one playlist per directory --oneplaylist : generate one playlist from all files --playlists : generate one playlist per album in current directory --a-artist : set album artist to --a-title : set album title to --onlyfiles : writes only filenames in playlist, no extra information --dirname : use directory name for playlist naming --plname : use as playlist name. --slashes : use slashes '/' instead of backslashes '\' in playlists --nospaces : replaces space by underscore in names of written files --sort : sort playlist only by --sort+ : add new playlist sorting property --sortdesc : sort in descending order Example to write one big playlist of all .mp3 files and sort the playlist by path and by track number: Tag --oneplaylist --sort path --sort+ track --recursive *.mp3 Removing tags: -------------- You can remove all supported tags from files and with ID3v2 version also just ID3v2 tags. To remove all tags use command: Tag --remove and to remove only ID3v2 tags: Tag --removeid3v2 All options: ------------ --title : set title to --artist : set artist to --album : set album to --year : set year to --comment : set comment to --track : set track number to --genre : set genre to Tag fields can also be set with: -t : set tag item to value -u : set tag item to value (x is UTF-8 coded) --help : show full help --hideinfo : don't display file information --hidetags : don't display tags --hidenames : don't display filenames --simple : use simple tag display format --recursive : search files recursively in all subdirectories --fromfile : copy tag information from --allow : allow access to files with specified properties only --auto : generate tags from filenames --scheme : specify file structure scheme (ie. L/A - N - T) --autoscheme : select automatically best scheme from list of schemes --nomagic : use plain schemes, disable extra automations --chreplace : use character replacing when tagging --rentag : rename files to match scheme, filename from tag data --rename : rename files to , filename generated from old name --move : when renaming move files to subdirectories --overwrite : overwrite existing files when renaming --trackinc : use incremental track numbering --caps : capitalize words --Caps : capitalize only first word --lower : convert all characters to lower case --upper : convert all characters to upper case --tcaps : capitalize words in tag field --tCaps : capitalize only first word in tag field --tlower : convert all characters to lower case in tag field --tupper : convert all characters to upper case in tag field --nozero : ignore leading zeros on track numbers --zeropad : add trailing zero to track number if missing --commafix : fix comma separated artist field (x, the -> the x) --spacefix : replaces underscore (_) and %20 with space --itemfix : fix item names in APE v1.0/2.0 tags --umlfix : fix umlauts (ae -> ä, oe -> ö, ue -> ü) --swapta : swap title <--> artist --remove : remove all tags --removeid3v2 : remove only ID3v2 tags --removeid3v2u : remove only unnecessary ID3v2 tags (fields fit in ID3v1) --playlist : generate one playlist per directory --oneplaylist : generate one playlist from all files --playlists : generate one playlist per album in current directory --a-artist : set album artist to --a-title : set album title to --onlyfiles : writes only filenames in playlist, no extra information --dirname : use directory name for playlist naming --plname : use as playlist name. --slashes : use slashes '/' instead of backslashes '\' in playlists --nospaces : replaces space by underscore in names of written files --sort : sort playlist only by --sort+ : add new playlist sorting property --sortdesc : sort in descending order --newdate : don't keep files original date/time --oldtype : use old tag format --ape2 : default to APE v2.0 with MPC --force : force use of selected tag type --extid3 : extend over long title field into comment field with id3 --nocheck : don't check file extension --test : test mode, no files will be modified --tofile : save screen output to file, name generated from --tofileext : use extension instead of .txt --tofilen : save screen output to file --nfo : generate .nfo file and save to --listdefaults : view default settings --listexceptions : view list of exceptions in capitalize function --listgenres : view list of possible ID3v1 tag genres --listpresets : view list of defined presets --decode : use external decoder and use to name output --acculen : display length more accurately --ansioutput : don't convert output to OEM codepage -- : use predefined preset -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release History: ---------------- Legend: (+) Added feature (*) Improved/changed feature (-) Bug fixed Version 2.0.39: (*) Defaults to APEv2 on WavPack files (+) New option --acculen to display sample accurate length of files (+) New option --ansioutput to prevent ANSI -> OEM conversion of output (*) Now uses id3lib 3.8.3, libFLAC 1.1.0 and latest CVS code of Ogg libraries Version 2.0.38: (-) File moving failed when any directory in generated path ended with dot (*) No longer aborts info reading if tags contain invalid utf8 encoding Version 2.0.37: (-) Too large ID3v2 tags caused MP3 file info reading to fail (-) Binary data caused APEv2 tag writer to crash (-) Memory access problems in MPC info reader with stream version 15.15 (-) option --zeropad had incorrect description Version 2.0.36: (-) Fixed problems with zero length files Version 2.0.35: (*) Added 'Disc number' field to schemes (used with %D) Version 2.0.34: (*) Made the executable smaller (*) Changed tag name 'Ogg comment' to 'Vorbis comment' (*) Changed license to LGPL Version 2.0.33: (-) Writing a new tag and removing ID3v2 tag simultanously from a file with two or more tags left old tags in the end of the file Version 2.0.32: (-) MP3 length calculation was sometimes one second off Version 2.0.31: (*) Now adds three dots (...) to the end of fields that don't fully fit in ID3v1 tag (*) Option --id3ext can be used to specify the old behavior (no dots, extend too long artist field to comment field) Version 2.0.30: (-) Option --removeid3v2u didn't check that ID3v2 tag actually exists (*) Option --removeid3v2u will always remove id3v2 tag from formats where it's not allowed (only leaves it in MP3, AAC and FLAC) Version 2.0.29: (+) New option --removeid3v2u, only removes ID3v2 tags if basic fields fit in ID3v1 tag (*) Uses Windows functions for character conversions, should work with all codepages (-) No longer uppercases characters after ´ and ` (*) Now converts Unicode character codes after '%' character when using --spacefix Version 2.0.28: (*) Option --fromfile now copies only new tag fields, no field values are replaced (+) New option --umlfix to fix umlauts (ae -> ä, oe -> ö, ue -> ü) (+) Option --overwrite for overwriting existing files when renaming (+) Converts first digit of three digit tracknumbers to album number when tagging from filenames (can be disabled with --nomagic switch) (-) Converts characters properly from ANSI to OEM codepages when displaying filenames Version 2.0.27: (+) New case conversion functions --tcaps, --tCaps, --tlower & --tupper that only convert characters of specified tag item. (+) Can read file info from Monkey's Audio files (-) Removed warning messages about failed fileinfo reading with some formats Version 2.0.26: (*) Updated vorbis comment editor backend and id3lib to latest versions (*) Now statically links with id3lib, external libraries no longer required Version 2.0.25: (+) Support for FLAC, can read file info and use native tags (+) Return of --trackinc function (+) New function --nomagic, disables all extra automations from automatic tagging (which were automatic appending of CD number to album field and automatic extraction of release year from album) Version 2.0.24: (*) Scheme handling improved slightly, now schemes without special separator characters work better (*) Playlists for Various Artists albums are labeled with album name only (-) Fixed bugs in Unicode parameter passing Version 2.0.23: (*) Removed some tag item name conversions when dealing with Oggs Version 2.0.22: (+) New function --zeropad adds leading zeros to tracknumbers < 10 Version 2.0.21: (-) Fixed memory overwrite bug with Ogg file info reader Version 2.0.20: (-) Tag removing always recreated tags if --spacefix or --itemfix were used (-) Option --spacefix had memory allocation problem, long text fields caused crash Version 2.0.19: (*) Tag copying from other file now preserves title field if it's not empty Version 2.0.18: (*) Function --nospaces now affects also files when renaming (*) Function --spacefix now fixes all tag fields and not only artist and title (*) Autoscheme now works on files at root directory Version 2.0.17: (+) Displays encoder version used with MPC (-) Playlist functions didn't work without specifying name Version 2.0.16: (*) Option --plname now works with scheme identifiers too (thanks Kjetil) Version 2.0.15a: (-) Program crashed if --nfo wasn't used (whoops) Version 2.0.15: (-) Case capitalization functions didn't capitalize first character if first word was listed in exceptions (-) NFO file generator was one month behind when using numeric form (*) NFO file name can be given using scheme when identifiers are marked with '%' or '*' Version 2.0.14: (*) Config file can now be loaded from Tag's directory even when not located in path (*) Doesn't try to write empty tags anymore if --auto fails (*) Improved error reporting (-) Can now read/remove empty APE tags (-) Empty tag fields work again (they weren't working after changes in 2.0.12) Version 2.0.13: (+) Added user customizable character replacing for tagging from filename. Useful if you use some special codes to mark illegal characters (?, *, /, \, |) Version 2.0.12: (-) Last character of last tag field in APE tags was sometimes lost (-) Rename functions worked incorrectly with single digit track number (-) ID3v2 tag removing and taggging didn't work at the same time (-) Character conversions accessed memory incorrectly Version 2.0.11: (*) Rename functions simplified (-) Path creation now handles special characters correctly (-) Unicode parameters are now only used for tag values Version 2.0.10: (+) New option --playlists, creates one playlist for every album in current directory Version 2.0.9: (-) Rename functions handled path incorrecly (*) Option -u not needed in NT based operating systems anymore, parameters are read in UNICODE (Thanks to ErikS!) Version 2.0.8: (+) Doesn't use Windows' UTF-8 code anymore, works with Win95. Version 2.0.7: (*) NFO generator only accepts correctly formatted scheme Version 2.0.6: (+) New option --itemfix changes item name cases to match official names. This can be used to fix tags created with buggy versions of Tag (*) Changes to tag display routine's Windows ANSI to OEM character conversions Version 2.0.5: (-) Itemnames were lowercase when direct switches were used (--title, --artist...) Version 2.0.4: (-) Minor bugfix in APE v1.0 to APE v2.0 conversion Version 2.0.3: (-) Scheme was recognized incorrectly if it didn't start with identifier (+) New schemes for scheme autodetector Version 2.0.2: (-) Playlists and .nfo files were written in unix mode (+) NFO file can use comment field Version 2.0.1: (+) If scheme is given using proper identifier markers (%, *) you can use all characters normally without being interpreted as identifier. Version 2.0: (*) New readme (*) Some small additions Version 2.0 RC7: (-) NFO file generator was too anxious in replacing characters (+) Character replacement can now be customized in config file (+) New option --tofileext allows selecting extension for generated name Version 2.0 RC6: (+) New option --plname allows user specify name for playlist (+) New option --slashes converts backslashes to slashes in playlists (-) Screen output writing didn't append to existing file when name was made using scheme (-) Renaming had character ignoring bugs Version 2.0 RC5: (+) Pictures from ID3v2 tags are saved in APE tags (+) .nfo file generator is finished, template is read from config file (+) New options, --a-artist defines album artist and --a-title defines album title. Both are used with playlists and .nfo file. (+) Decoding is back. Supports mpc, mp3 and ape. Other decoders don't allow naming output Version 2.0 RC4: (+) Tag info reading from tag.ini and CDDB files is back. There is no option --inimode anymore, feature is used by entering name of the file as parameter. (+) Output direction to text files, option --tofile writes screen output to file generated from scheme (tag data from first file). --tofilen writes output to . (+) New option --nospaces, all files generated by Tag will have spaces replaced by underscore. Version 2.0 RC3: (-) Lots of bugs fixed, too many to remember all Version 2.0 RC2: (-) Tags were not written when manually setting fields (-) Ogg tags couldn't be saved (+) New option -u to insert tag fields coded in UTF-8 (*) Some improvements to internal tag handling Version 2.0 RC1: (*) Total code rewrite. Some functions that were previously supported are not implemented yet but all functions shown on usage screen are implemented and should work. (-) No longer crashes when reading files with multiple tags (this happened with v1.33) (+) Full wildcard support for directories. (Command "tag */s*/*.*" would search all files in directories starting with 's' in all directories under current working directory.) (+) Now accepts directories as parameters. (*) New option --oneplaylist to write one playlist of all files. Options --playlist creates one playlist in every directory there are files. (*) Sort improved. Option --sortdesc reverses sort order. Multiple --sort+ parameters define multiple rules to sort by. Accepted parameters are: duration: total song playtime size: filesize name: name with full path path: only file path basename: filename without path extension: file extension attrib: file attributes time_access: time file was last accessed time_create: time file was created time_write, time, date: time file was last modified bitrate: bitrate of file channels: audio channels in file samplerate: samplerate of file format: audio format : any item in tag (artist, title, track, comment, genre, year...) (*) Can now write multiple tags at once (use --force multiple times) (*) With --oldtype writes all tags that were in file (+) Displays basic information about MP3s, MPCs and Oggs (can be disabled with --hideinfo) (*) Autoscheme improved (*) Supports unlimited number of presets (*) Some other things I can't remember right now. Version 1.331: (+) Short directory names are now converted to long names. Version 1.33: (+) Included ID3v2 tag reading by using id3lib (http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/) For things to work the library file id3lib.dll is needed somewhere in path. Version 1.324: (*) Fixes and improvements to --inimode (*) Improved long title cutting with ID3v1 tags (>30 characters). If moving parenthesis to comment field doesn't cut title, this is done. Otherwise title is cut at 30 characters and rest is moved to comment. (+) New option --swapta. Swaps title field with artist field. Version 1.323: (*) Autoscheme is now enabled by default in config (*) Some modifications to autoscheme (*) Lots of new schemes to autoscheme detection list Version 1.322: (+) New option --inimode. Reads entries from tag.ini or if that's missing searches cddb-file and uses them to tag files track01.*, track02.* ... (+) New options for playlist creation: --onlyfiles writes only filenames leaving out durations and other extensions --dirname uses directory name as name for playlist (*) If playlist name would be empty, directory name is used Version 1.321: (*) Genre can be given as ID3 genre number (0-147) Version 1.32: (+) Code sequences (%xx) on names are translated to characters (*) Test mode (--test) now displays what tag would be like (*) Added some more naming schemes to tag.cfg to be used with --autoscheme (*) Autoscheme works better Version 1.310: (*) Playlist sorting works better, numbers are sorted in correct order regardless of length differences (02 comes before 010) Version 1.309: (+) New option --lognames saves a logfile with new names when renaming Version 1.308: (*) Improvements to commafix, it now doesn't change order of words if artist field is a list Version 1.307: (+) New option --spacefix replaces underscore (_) and %20 with space character Version 1.306: (+) New option --fromfile can be used to copy tag from one file to another Version 1.305: (+) New option --nozero ignores leading zeros on track numbers (+) New option --commafix fixes order of words on comma separated artist field Version 1.304: (-) Fixed a bug with memory allocation (*) Made memory allocation safer, program exits now on errors Version 1.303: (-) Generated APE 2.0 tags were corrupted Version 1.302: (-) Autoscheme didn't recognize brackets or other weird characters as being part of name Version 1.301: (+) New option --ape2 changes MPC to default to APE 2.0. Otherwise 1.0 is default (-) Fixed bug with tag type checking, APE tag was sometimes recognized as ID3v1 Version 1.30: (+) Support for APE 2.0 (*) Recursive function now longer warns about missings files with wildcards Version 1.29: (+) New option --autoscheme reads scheme possibilities from Tag.cfg and tries to select best mode automatically (-) Lyrics tag was not read if ID3 tag's title had space characters in the end Version 1.281: (-) Tags couldn't be manually edited Version 1.28: (+) New option --recursive applies commands in all subdirectories recursively Version 1.273: (+) Now allows tagging of .aac files (*) Small modifications to APE tag reading Version 1.272: (+) Now detects WavPack and FLAC as supported formats Version 1.271: (+) Preliminary reading of APE 2.0 tags (-) Small bug fixed with APE writing, reserved field was not always zero (*) Temporarily disabled displaying of multiple tags because of bugs Version 1.27: (-) User defined fields (-f) were not written with option --auto (+) New option --trackinc increases tracknumber after every file processed Version 1.262: (+) Allows writing of multiple tag files (+) Can display APE tag with ID3v1 tag ( rough hack, might be buggy ) Version 1.261: (+) Doesn't modify date/time information of file. Can be disabled with --newdate Version 1.26: (+) Huge speedup in Ogg handling, vorbiscomment is only needed for writing tags Version 1.25: (+) Now reads playtimes from Ogg files Version 1.247: (-) Now playlist creation should work properly Version 1.246: (-) Empty lines in parameter file are no longer read (-) Playlist creation now creates relative paths correctly Version 1.245: (-) Ogg tags were not written for files without tags (-) Playlist creation now uses given album and artist names correctly (+) Started support for decoding (beta, only MPC right now) (*) Small clarifications on usage screen Version 1.241: (*) Allowed longer strings for year and tracknumber fields (+) Reads Media field when generating .NFO files Version 1.24: (+) Can now write user defined fields in APE tags (*) Changed handling of upper/lower case conversions (-) Exception words now work like they should (*) Exceptions now include some roman numbers by default Version 1.23: (+) Now shows if file has ID3v2 tags (+) Can remove ID3v2 tags (+) Started support for writing .NFO files Version 1.22: (+) Skipping of ID3v2 with MPC files (*) Removed environment variable TAG_SCHEME (+) Configuration file Tag.cfg (+) Added presets (in config) (+) List of exception words for case conversion (in config) (+) Can now read filenames from list (use '@' in front of list) (+) New options: --Caps: capitalizes only first word of text strings --lower: converts strings to lower case --upper: converts string to upper case (*) Some changes to usage screen Version 1.21: (+) Support for Lyrics3 v2.00 tags (+) Environment variable TAG_SCHEME can be used to set default naming scheme (*) Some fixes in latin to ascii conversions Version 1.20: (*) Now saves MPCs with APE tags by default (+) New parameter --oldtype is needed to save files with tag type they have (-) Parameter --caps alone didn't do anything (*) Changed usage screen Version 1.19: (-) If vorbiscomment was not in path, temporary files were left undeleted Version 1.18: (*) Changed Usage screen (+) Added help file Tag.txt Older Versions: Never kept log of changes before 1.18...