TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES THOMAS HARDY On an evening in the latter part of May a middle-aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blakemore, or Blackmoor. The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. An empty egg-basket was slung upon his
arm, the nap of his hat was ruffled, a patch being quiteworn away at its brim where his thumb came in taking it off. Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.
"Good night t'ee," said the man with the basket.
"Good night, Sir John," said the parson.
The pedestrian, after another pace or two, halted, and turned round."Now, sir, begging your pardon; we met last market day on this road about this time, and I said 'Good night,' and you made reply 'Good night, Sir John,' as now."
"I did," said the parson.
"And once before that near a month ago.""I may have."
"Then what might your meaning be in calling me 'Sir John' these different times, when I be plain Jack Durbeyfield, the haggler?"
The parson rode a step or two nearer. Continue readingTESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES THOMAS HARDY -
Howards End E.M. Forster One may as well begin with Helen's letters to her sister.
Howards End,Tuesday.
Dearest Meg, It isn't going to be what we expected. It is old and little, and altogether delightful--red brick. We can scarcely pack in as it is, and the dear knows what will happen when Paul (younger son) arrives tomorrow. From hall you go right or left into dining-room or drawing-room. Hall itself is practically a room.You open another door in it, and there are the stairs going up in a sort of tunnel to the first-floor. Three bedrooms in a row there, and three attics in a row above. That isn't all the house really, but it's all that one notices--nine windows as you look up from the front garden.
Then there's a very big wych-elm--to the left as you look up--leaning a little over the house, and standing on the boundary between the garden and meadow. I quite love that tree already.Also ordinary elms, oaks--nonastier than ordinary oaks--pear-trees, apple-trees, and a vine. No silver birches, though. However, I must get on to my host and hostess. I only wanted to show that it isn't the least what we expected. Why did we settle that their house would be all gables and wiggles, and their garden all gamboge-coloured paths? I believe simply because we associate them with expensive hotels-- Continue reading
Read the book here
Howards End E.M. Forster -
NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS Victor Hugo Three hundred and forty-eight years, six months, and nineteen days ago to-day, the Parisians awoke to the sound of all the bells in the triple circuit of the city, the university, and the town ringing a full peal.
The sixth of January, 1482, is not, however, a day of which history has preserved the memory. There was nothing notable in the event which thus set the bells and the bourgeois of Paris in a ferment from early morning.It was neither an assault by the Picards nor the Burgundians, nor a hunt led along in procession, nor a revolt of scholars in the town of Laas, nor an entry of "our much dread lord, monsieur the king," nor even a pretty hanging of male and female thieves by the courts of Paris. Neither was it the arrival, so frequent in the fifteenth century, of some plumed and bedizened embassy.
It was barely two days since the last cavalcade of that nature, that of the Flemish ambassadors charged with concluding the marriage between the dauphin and Marguerite of Flanders, had made its entry into Paris, to the great annoyance of M. le Cardinal de Bourbon, who, for the sake of pleasing the king, had been obliged to assume an amiable Continue reading
Vikram and The Vampire The sage Bhavabhuti -- Eastern teller of these tales -- after making his initiatory and propitiatoryconge to Ganesha, Lord of Incepts, informs the reader that this book is a string of fine pearls to behung round the neck of human intelligence; a fragrant flower to be borne on the turband of mentalwisdom; a jewel of pure gold, which becomes the brow of all supreme minds; and a handful ofpowdered rubies, whose tonic effects will appear palpably upon the mental
digestion of every patient. Finally, that by aid of the lessons inculcated in the following pages, man will pass happily through thisworld into the state of absorption, where fables will be no longer required. He then teaches us how Vikramaditya the Brave became King of Ujjayani.
Some nineteen centuries ago, the renowned city of Ujjayani witnessed the birth of a prince to whomwas given the gigantic name Vikramaditya.Even the Sanskrit-speaking people, who are not usually pressed for time, shortened it to “Vikram”, and a little further West it would infallibly have been docked down to “Vik”.
Vikram was the second son of an old king Gandharba-Sena, concerning whom little favourable hasreached posterity, except that he became an ass, married four queens, and had by them six sons,each of whom was more learned and powerful than the other. Continue readingVikram and The Vampire -
The Picture of Dorian GrayOscar Wilde
The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.
From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he waslying, smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could justcatch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so flame like as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across the long tussore-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the huge window, producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect, and making him think of those pallid, jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through
the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. The sullen murmur of the bees shouldering their way through the long unmown grass, or circling with monotonous insistence round the dusty gilt horns of the straggling woodbine,seemed to make the stillness more oppressive Continue reading
The Picture of Dorian GrayOscar Wilde
The Kiss Anton Chekov
At eight o'clock on the evening of the twentieth of May all the six batteries of the N----Reserve Artillery Brigade halted for the night in the village of Myestetchki on their way to camp. When the general commotion was at its height, while some officers were busily occupied around the guns, while others, gathered together in the square near the church enclosure, were listening to the quartermasters, a man in civilian dress, riding a strange horse, came into sight round the church.
The little dun-coloured horse with a good neck and a short tail came, moving not straight forward, but as it were sideways, with a sortof dance step, as though it were being lashed about the legs. When he reached the officers the man on the horse took off his hat and said:
"His Excellency Lieutenant-General von Rabbek invites the gentlemen to drink tea with him this minute..."The horse turned, danced, and retired sideways; the messenger raised his hat once more, and in an instant disappeared with his strange horse behind the church.
"What the devil does it mean?" grumbled some of the officers, dispersing to their quarters. "One is sleepy, and here this Von Rabbek with his tea! We know what tea means." Continue readingThe Kiss Anton Chekov
The Perfect Holiday Cathy Kelly
On the last day of the holiday, Claire woke early. In the soft bed beside her, Anthony snored quietly. He was a big man and took up most of the bed. One long leg and an arm were totally on Claire's side, but she didn't mind. She watched him for a moment, smiling at the way his dark hair was messily tangled in sleep. His skin was smooth and brown against the cool white of the sheets. Unlike hers, she thought.
Claire was as pale as a milk bottle, no matter how much Greek sun she got. During their two weeks on the beautiful island of Corfu, she'd slowly moved from sunscreen Factor 25 down to Factor 8. She'd sunbathed for four hours one day, nearly falling asleep on the beach as the sea lapped gently against the shore. It had made no difference, except that her freckles had sort of joined up. With his dark brown eyes and rich tan, Anthony could have been a local.
She slipped out from under the sheets, moving quietly so as not to wake her sleeping husband. At home, she never woke until her alarm clock blasted morning radio into her ears. Here in Greece, she woke at six most days. It was the light. On Corfu, the sun was magical. It beamed into the small blue and white hotel bedroom, urging her to wake up and enjoy the day. Continue reading
The Perfect Holiday Cathy Kelly
The Ananga Ranga
Of the Four Orders of Women.
First, let it be understood, that women must be divided into four classes of temperament. These are:--
1. Padmini
2. Chatrini;
3. Shankhini; and
4. Hastini.The same correspond with the four different phases of Moksha, or Release from further Transmigration. The first is Sayujyata, or absorption into the essence of the Deity; the second is Samipyata, nearness to the Deity, the being born in the Divine Presence; the third is Sarupata, or resemblance to the Deity in limbs and material body; the fourth and last is Salokata, or residence in the heaven of some especial god.
For the name of woman is Nari, which, being interpreted, means "No A'ri", or foe; and such is Moksha, or absorption, because all love it and it loves all mankind.
Padmini, then, means Sayujyata, also called Khadgini-Moksha (Sword-release), the absorption of man into theNarayan (godhead), who lives in the Khshirabdi, or Milk-sea, one of the Seven Oceans, and from whose navalsprang the Padma, or Lotus-flower. Continue readingThe Ananga Ranga
In the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of commandments in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence with regard to Dharma, [1]Artha, [2] and Kama. [3] Some of these commandments, namely those which treated of Dharma, were separately written by Swayambhu Manu; those that related to Artha werecompiled by Brihaspati; and those that referred to Kama were expounded by Nandi, the follower of Mahadeva, in one thousand chapters. Now these 'Kama Sutra' (Aphorisms on Love), written by Nandi inone thousand chapters, were reproduced by Shvetaketu, the son ofUddvalaka, in an abbreviated form in five hundred chapters, and this work was again similarly reproduced in an abridged form, in one hundred and fifty chapters, by Babhravya, an in habitant of the Punchala
(South of Delhi) country. These one hundred and fifty chapters were then put together under seven heads or parts named severally 1st. Sadharana (general topics).
2nd. Samprayogika (embraces, etc.).
3rd. Kanya Samprayuktaka (union of males and females).
4th. Bharyadhikarika (on one's own wife).
5th. Paradika (on the wives of other people). Continue readingTHE KAMA SUTRA OF VATSYAYANA.
Lay of the Higher Law
The hour is nigh;
the waning Queen walks forth to rule the later night;
Crown'd with the sparkle of a Star,
and throned on orb of ashen light:
The Wolf tail1 sweeps the paling East
to leave a deeper gloom behindAnd Dawn uprears her shining head,
sighing with semblance of a wind:
1 The false dawn.
The highlands catch yon Orient gleam,
while purpling still the lowlands lie;
And pearly mists,
the morning pride,
soar incense like to greet the sky.The horses neigh,
the camels groan,
the torches gleam,
the cressets flare;
The town of canvas falls,
and manwith din and dint invadeth air:
The Golden Gates swing right and left;
up springs the Sun with flamy brow; Continue readingLay of the Higher Law
The Perfumed Garden of the Shaykh Nefwazi
PRAISE BE GIVEN TO God, who has placed man's greatest pleasure in the natural parts of woman, and hasdestined the natural parts of man to afford the greatest enjoyment to woman. He has not endowed the parts of woman with any pleasurable or satisfactory feeling until the same have been penetrated by the instrument of the male; and likewise the sexual organs of man know neither rest nor quietness until they have entered those of the female.
Hence the mutual operation. There takes place between the two actors wrestling, intertwinings, a kind of animated conflict. Owing to the contact of the lower parts of the two bellies, the enjoyment soon comes to pass. The man is at work as with a pestle, while the woman seconds him by lascivious movements; finally comes the ejaculation. The kiss on the mouth, on the two cheeks, upon the neck, as well as the sucking up of flesh lips, are gifts of God,
destined to provoke erection at the favourable moment. God also is it who has embellished the chest of the woman with breasts, has furnished her with a double chin, and has given brilliant colours to her cheeks Continue reading
The Perfumed Garden of the Shaykh Nefwazi
Sleep no more jane ann krentz
Carnelian, California . . .
BLOOD DRIPPED FROM the bottom of the laundry cart.
Ambrose Drake flattened one hand against the wall to keep himself on his feet. He was back in the underwater world. That meant he was dreaming again. He struggled to focus on the glary aura of the figure pushing the cart toward the swinging doors at the far end of the corridor. Was that what a ghost looked like?"What's going on?" he said.
The words came out in a slurred, raspy jumble that he knew probably made no sense, assuming he had managed to say them aloud. It was hard to talk underwater. He thought he had been getting better at navigating the strange atmosphere down here below the surface, but either he had been fooling himself or he had regressed, because tonight he was having trouble just staying upright.And what the hell was he doing on his feet? He was supposed to be in bed.
Shit. Was he sleepwalking again? That was not good. It meant the nightmares and hallucinations were getting worse. But did you know if you were sleepwalking? That didn’t sound logical. If you were aware that you were walking in your sleep it meant you were awake. Didn’t it? Continue readingSleep no more jane ann krentz
the temporary wife catharina maura
There's a bead of sweat forming on the forehead of the man sitting in front of me, despite the chilly temperature in my office. I should put him out of his misery, but instead, I continue to stare him down. ".. the fun.. we.. we're so grateful for your continued investment," he stammers.
As he should be. Between my family and all of our clients, we've got billions invested throughout the world, a far frominsignificant portion of it in his firm.
"I never said I'd continue investing in you." My voice is firm, devoid of any kindness despite my best attempts to insert some.
He starts to tap his foot, and I watch as that bead of sweat runs down his face, his breathing accelerating by the second.
"Are you not satisfied by our performance? Our share price increased by twenty percent this year."My executive secretary, Valentina, walks in right at that moment, her timing as perfect as it always is. I've had my office checked numerous times to ensure that she does not, in fact, have a listening device in here. My security team even triple checked that our phone system doesn't allow her to listen in either. Continue reading
the temporary wife catharina maura