Maecenas, descended from royal ancestors, O both my protection and my darling honor! There are those whom it delights to have collected Olympic dust in the chariot race; and [whom] the goal nicely avoided by the glowing wheels, and the noble palm, exalts, lords of the earth, to the gods.This man, if a crowd of the capricious Quirites strive to raise him to the highest dignities; another, if he has stored up in his own granary whatsoever is swept from the Libyan thrashing floors: him who delights to cut with the hoe his patrimonial fields, you could never tempt, for all the wealth of Attalus, [to become] a timorous sailor and cross the Myrtoan sea in a Cyprian bark. The merchant, dreading the south-west wind contending with the Icarian waves, commends
tranquility and the rural retirement of his village; but soon after, incapable of being taught to bear poverty, he refits his shattered vessel. There is another, who despises not cups of old Massic, taking a part from the entire day, one while stretched under the green arbute, another at the placid head of some sacred stream.
The camp, and the sound of the trumpet mingled with that of the clarion, and wars detested by mothers, rejoice many.
The huntsman, unmindful of his tender spouse, remains in thecold air, whether a hart is held in view by his faithful hounds, or a Marsian boar has broken the fine-wrought toils. Continue readingTHE WORKS OF HORACE C. Smart, A.M. -
HORACE ODES AND EPODES in latin Maecenas atavis edite regibus, O et praesidium et dulce decus meum, Sunt quos curriculo pulverem Olympicum Collegisse iuvat metaque fervidis Evitata rotis palmaque nobilis Terrarum dominos evehit ad deos; Hunc, si mobilium turba Quiritium Certat tergeminis tollere honoribus; Illum, si proprio condidit horreo, Quidquid de Libycis verritur areis. Gaudentem patrios findere sarculo Agros Attalicis condicionibus Numquam dimoveas, ut trabe Cypria
Myrtoum pavidus nauta secet mare. Luctantem Icariis fluctibus Africum Mercator metuens otium et oppidi Laudat rura sui; mox reficit ratis Quassas, indocilis pauperiem pati. Est qui nec veteris pocula Massici Nec partem solido demere de die Spernit, nunc viridi membra sub arbuto Stratus nunc ad aquae lene caput sacrae. Multos castra iuvant et lituo tubae Permixtus sonitus bellaque matribus Detestata. Manet sub Iove frigido Venator tenerae
coniugis immemor, Seu visast catulis cerva fidelibus, Seu rupit teretes Marsus aper plagas. Me doctarum hederae praemia frontium Dis miscent superis, me gelidum nemus Nympharumque leves cum Satyris choriSecernunt populo, si neque tibias Euterpe cohibet nec Polyhymnia Lesboum refugit tendere barbiton. Quod si me lyricis vatibus inseris, Sublimi feriam sidera vertice. Continue reading
Read the book here
FRAGMENTS OF ANCIENT POETRY James Macpherson Byron was actually the third Scotsman in about fifty years who awoke and found himself famous; the sudden rise from obscurity to international fame had been experienced earlier by two fellow countrymen, Sir Walter Scott and James Macpherson. Considering the greatness of the reputation of the two younger writers, it may seem strange to link their names with Macpherson's, but in the early nineteenth century it would not have seemed so odd. In fact, as young men both Scott and
Byron would have probably have been flattered by such an association. Scott tells us that in his youth he "devoured rather than perused" Ossian and that he could repeat whole duans "without remorse"; and, as I shall discuss later, Byron paid Macpherson the high compliment of writing an imitation of Ossian, which he published in Hours of Idleness.
The publication of the modest and anonymous pamphlet, Fragments of AncientPoetrymarks the beginning of Macpherson's rise to fame, and concomitantly the startof a controversy that is unique in literary history. For the half-century that followed, the body of poetry that was eventually collected as The Poems of Ossianprovoked the comment of nearly every important man of letters. Extravagance and partisanship were characteristic of most of the remarks, but few literary men were indifferent. Continue reading
LIKE WATER OR CLOUDS The T'ang Dynasty and the Tao
The Way-cannot be told.
TheName -cannot be named.
The nameless is the Way of Heaven and Earth.
The named is Matrix of the Myriad Creatures.
Eliminate desire to find the Way.
Embrace desire to know the Creature.
The Tao Te ChingIExhibit the unadorned.
Hold fast to the uncarved block.
Avoid the thought of Self.
Eliminate desire.
The Tao Te ChingXIXThe Way has no name.
The uncarved block is small But no one dare claim it.
When it is carved there are names.
When there are names it is time to stop.
traditional african poetry
Posted in Praise Poetry and tagged SobhuzaII, Swaziland.
Sobhuza II (1899-1982), one of the most remarkable Africans of the last century, was king of Swaziland for 61 years. Educated at the Lovedale Institution in South Africa and an early member of the African National Congress, he was at the same time a passionate traditionalist, pledged as he once put it "to extricate Africa from this idea of one man one vote".The kingdom he inherited was in a disastrous state, and he recognised from the start the monarchy was his best asset in combating colonial rule. He played the part with consummate skill, persuading anthropologists like Max Goodman and Hilda Kuper that the Swazis were an ancient nation with ancient customs, and dispatching two regiments, the Emasotja and the Sikonyane, to serve with British forces in World war 2, "stabbing and killing" like traditional
Swazi warriors, in the Middle East, Tobruk and Anzio.
A feature of his court was his promotion ofimbongi, or praise singers. Men like Ndinda Mavuso, Mutsi Dlamini, Mcoshwa Dlamini, Makhosini Dlamini, Mabutane Mdluli, and the most prolific of all, Maboya Fakudze, were all connected to the royal house, by family or as members of Sobhuza's own Balandolozi regiment. Continue readingtraditional african poetry
The Siege of Harfleur and the Battle of Agincourt1415.
Hereafter followeth the Battle of Agincourt and the great Siege of Rouen, by King HENRY of Monmouth, the Fifth of the name; that won Gascony, and Guienne, and Normandy.
[See Sir HARRIS NICOLAS'S History of the Battle of Agincourt, p. 301, 2nd Ed. 1832, 8vo.]God, that all this world did make
And died for us upon a tree,
Save England, for MARY thy Mother's sake!
As Thou art steadfast GOD in Trinity.
And save King HENRY'S soul, I beseech thee!
That was full gracious and good withal;
A courteous Knight and King royal.
Of HENRYthe Fifth, noble man of war,Thy deeds may never forgotten be!Of Knighthood thou wert the very Loadstar!
In thy time England flowered in prosperity,
Thou mortal Mirror of all Chivalry!
Though thou be not set among the Worthies Nine;
Yet wast thou a Conqueror in thy time!
THIS volume consists of lectures delivered during my tenure of the Chair of Poetry at Oxford and not included in Shakespearean Tragedy. Most of them have been enlarged, and all have been revised. As they were given at intervals, and the majority before the publication of that book, they contained repetitions which I have not found it possible wholly to remove.
Readers of a lecture published by the University of Manchester on English Poetry and German Philosophy in the Age of Wordsworth will pardon also the restatement of some ideas expressed in it.
The several lectures are dated, as I have been unable to take account of most of the literature on their subjects published since they were delivered.They are arranged in the order that seems best to me, but it is of importance only in the case of the four which deal with the poets of Wordsworth"s time.
I am indebted to the Delegates of the University Press, and to the proprietors and editors of the Hibbert Journaland the Albany, Fortnightly, and Quarterly Reviews, respectively, for permission to republish the first, third, fifth, eighth, and ninth lectures. Continue readingOXFORD LECTURES ON POETRY A. C. BRADLEY
Don Juan George Gordon, Lord Byron
You're a poet--Poet-laureate,
And representative of all the race,
Although't is true that you turn'd out a Tory at
Last, yours has lately been a common case;
And now, my Epic Renegade! what are ye at?
With all the Lakers, in and out of place?
A nest of tuneful persons, to my eye
Like 'four and twenty Blackbirds in a pye;''Which pye being open'd they began to sing'
(This old song and new simile holds good),
'A dainty dish to set before the King,'
Or Regent, who admires such kind of food;--
And Coleridge, too, has lately taken wing,
But like a hawk encumber'd with his hood,--
Explaining metaphysics to the nation--
I wish he would explain hisExplanation.
You, Bob! are rather insolent, you know,
At being disappointed in your wishTo supersede all warblers here below,
And be the only Blackbird in the dish;
And then you over strain yourself, or so,
And tumble downward like the flying fish Continue readingDon Juan George Gordon, Lord Byron
It is an ancient Mariner,
And he stoppeth one of three.
"By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,
Now wherefore stopp'st thou me?
The bridegroom's doors are opened wide,
And I am next of kin;
The guests are met, the feast is set:
May'st hear the merry din."He holds him with his skinny hand,
"There was a ship," quoth he.
"Hold off! unhand me, grey beard loon!
"Eft soons his hand dropt he.
[Sidenote: The Wedding Guest is spellbound by the eye of
the old seafaring man, and constrained to hear his tale.]
He holds him with his glittering eye
The Wedding-Guest stood still,
And listens like a three years'child:
The Mariner hath his will.
The Wedding-Guest sat on a stone:
He cannot choose but hear;
And thus spake on that ancient man, The bright-eyed Mariner."
The ship was cheered, the harbor cleared,
Merrily did we dropBelow the kirk, below the hill,
Below the lighthouse top. Continue readingCOLERIDGE'S ANCIENT MARINER AND SELECT POEMS
Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast
Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of EDEN, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top
Of OREB, or of SINAI, didst inspireThat Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed,
In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth
Rose out of CHAOS: Or if SION Hill
Delight thee more, and SILOA'S Brookthat flow'd
Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,
That with no middle flight intends to soarAbove th' AONIAN Mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime.
And chiefly Thou O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all Temples th' upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first Continue readingPARADISE LOST John Milton
One's-Self I Sing One's-self I sing,
a simple separate person,
Yetutter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse.
Of physiology from top to toe I sing,
Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is worthy for the Muse, I say
the Form complete is worthier far,
The Female equally with the Male I sing.Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,
Cheerful, for freest action form'd under the laws divine,
The Modern Man I sing.
As I Ponder'd in Silence As I ponder'd in silence,
Returning upon my poems, considering, lingering long,
A Phantom arose before me with distrustful aspect,
Terrible in beauty, age, and power,The genius of poets of old lands,
As to me directing like flame its eyes,
With finger pointing to many immortal songs,
And menacing voice, What singest thou? it said,
Know'st thounot there is but one theme for ever-enduring bards?
And that is the theme of War, the fortune of battles,
The making of perfect soldiers. Continue readingLEAVES OF GRASS Walt Whitman
The Daffodils William Wordsworth
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
The thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In sich a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:The Daffodils William Wordsworth
In Flanders Fields Lt. Col. John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lives, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.In Flanders Fields Lt. Col. John McCrae