Dry-Farming JOHN A. WIDTSOE Nearly six tenths of the earth's land surface receive an annual rainfall of less than twenty inches, and can be reclaimed for agricultural purposes only by irrigation and dry-farming. A perfected world-system of irrigation will convert about one tenth of this vast area into an incomparably fruitful garden, leaving about one half of the earth's land surface to be reclaimed, if at all, by the methods of dry-farming.
The noble system of modern agriculture has been constructed almost wholly in countries of abundant rainfall, and its applications are those demanded for the agricultural development of humid regions. Until recently irrigation was given scant attention, and dry-farming, with its world problem of conquering one half of the earth, was not considered. These facts furnish the apology for the writing of this book.
One volume, only, in this world of many books, and that less than a year old, is devoted to the exposition of the accepted dry-farm practices of to-day.
The book now offered is the first attempt to assemble and organize the known facts of science in their relation to the production of plants, without irrigation, in regions of limited rainfall. Continue readingDry-Farming JOHN A. WIDTSOE
Gardening Without Irrigation Steve Solomon First, you should know why a maritime Northwest raised-bed gardener named Steve Solomon became worriedabout his dependence on irrigation.
I'm from Michigan. I moved to Lorane, Oregon, in April 1978 and homesteaded on 5 acres in what I thought atthe time was a cool, showery green valley of liquid sunshine and rainbows. I intended to put in a big garden and grow as much of my own food as possible.Two months later, in June, just as my garden began needing water, my so-called 15-gallon-per-minute wellbegan to falter, yielding less and less with each passing week. By August it delivered about 3 gallons perminute. Fortunately, I wasn't faced with a completely dry well or one that had shrunk to below 1 gallon perminute, as I soon discovered many of my neighbors were cursed with. Three gallons per minute won't supply afan nozzle or even a common impulse
sprinkler, but I could still sustain my big raised-bed garden by wateringall night, five or six nights a week, with a single, 2-1/2 gallon-per-minute sprinkler that I moved from place to place.
I had repeatedly read that gardening in raised beds was the most productive vegetable growing method,required the least work, and was the most water-efficient system ever known. So, without adequate irrigation Continue readingRead the book here
Gardening Without Irrigation Steve Solomon -
Hydroponics Lessons
Hydroponics by definition, means 'water-working." In practical use, it means growing plants in a water and nutrient solution, without soil. Hydroponics allows a gardener to grow plants in a more efficient and productive manner with less labor and time required.
The science of hydroponics proves that soil isn't required for plant growth but the elements, minerals and nutrients thatsoil contains are.Soil is simply the holder of the nutrients, a place where the plant roots traditionally live and a base of support for the plant structure.
In hydroponics you provide the exact nutrients your plants need, so they can develop and grow. The nutrients are fed directly at the root base, never stressing the plant due to lack of nutrients or water.Virtually any plant will grow hydroponically, but some will do better than others. Hydroponic growing is ideal for fruit bearing crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, leafy crops, like lettuce and herbs and flowing plants. Most hobby hydroponic gardeners plant crops similar to what they would grow in a soil garden. Continue reading
Hydroponics Lessons
Growing Hops
If you are a homebrewer and enjoy gardening, you are a candidate for growing your own hops. The hop plant (Humulus lupulus) is a hardy perennial that produces annual vines from over wintering rootstock. The primary use of hops is in the manufacture of beer. The hop plantis dioecious, that is it has separate male and female plants. Only the female plant produces the cones used in brewing. The male plant is not necessary for the female plant toproduce lupulin.
Lupulin contains the oils and resins that give hops their aroma.
Female Hop Cones
Growing hops in the northeast dates back to the colonial era. Hops were first introduced into Massachusetts from Europe in 1629. Commercial hop yards in the United States were reported to have been established in New York in the early 1800s. Commercial hops production was pushed westward during the 1920s by plant diseases encountered in the east, primarily downy mildew. Continue reading
Growing Hops -
Hops 1
Hops (Humulus lupulus L.)
French: Houblon; Spanish: Lupolo; Italian: Luppolo; German: Hopfen
Crop data
Harvested part: umbels (cones) which develop from unpollinated flowers. Rhizome cuttings, or young plants cultivated in the greenhouse, are used as planting material. Rootstocks develop during the first year, when little or no yield is produced.Flowers July in northern hemisphere, December-January in southern hemisphere. Harvested late August - early September (northern hemisphere), March - April (southern hemisphere).
Whole plants are removed and then processed in a stationary picking machine; wastes (leaves, petioles, vines) are chopped and, in part, brought back to the field. Because the cones are immediately dried to 12 %moisture, yields are expressed in terms of dried hops.
Rootstocks sprout anew each year, life expectancy: 10-20 years. Plant density: 1 800-2 200 plants/ha, with two vertical wires to each plant (variations depending on variety and site).
Preferably grown on medium soils (Sandy Brown Soil or Loess Brown Soil) with pH 5-7. Continue readingHops 1
Small Scale & Organic Hop Production
The Hops Project started because I wanted desperately to grow hops. Before we moved to our farm, my partner, an avid homebrewer with a penchant for putting anything I grew into his brew kettle, had finally convinced me to buy a hops seedling. We planted it against the 8' cedar fence around our (then) urban garden, with a little string for it to cling to.
While I was pleased with the way it claimed its little patch of soil, I was not yet inspired. That happened later in the summer, as I happily spent an afternoon weeding my herbs and vegetables. I noted that, when I was at the beginning of one row, the tip of the hops plant had just reached a knot in the fence. By the time I had finished my row that afternoon, the plant had grown a full foot past the knot:
measured. I was entranced - and somewhat nervous! This must have been the plant that inspired John Wyndham's famous novel The Day of the Triffids. I decided that these amazing plants deserved a home with me, wherever I went. Since then, I have discovered that hops are a bit like orchids - not in the beauty of their flowers, but in the obsessions they create amongst growers. Continue reading
Small Scale & Organic Hop Production
There is no formal training program in hops production in Canada, and very few growers. All the current commercial hops growers are new and small scale, so there's a lot everyone needs to learn," says Rebecca Kneen, owner of Left Fields Farm and Crannog Ales, Canada's only certified organic farmhouse brewery. The hop plant (Humuluslupulus) is a member of the Hemp family and a distant relative of both cannabis and nettles.
It is a perennial with a permanent rootstock called the crown.In good conditions, thecrown can live for over 25years. Each spring, several shoots grow vertically from the crown and can grow more than 30 feet (9m) in a single season. Although often referred to as vines, the shoots are technically 'bines,' which havestout stems with stiff hairs to aid in climbing.
Mature hops are quite hardy plants and grow well in Zone 4, although many varieties require a minimum of 120 frost free days. At the end of the growing season, thick applications of well rotted compostor mulch, such as leaves or hay, will help protect the crown through the winter.
Side shoots fill out the bines once they have completed their vertical rise, and these shoots provide support for the flowers. Continue readingHOW TO GROW HOPS Heidi Oran
Agriculture For Beginners CHARLES WILLIAM BURKETT
The word soil occurs many times in this little book. In agriculture this word is used to describe the thin layer of surface earth that, like some great blanket, is tucked around the wrinkled and age beaten form of our globe. The harder and colder earth under this surface layer is called the subsoil. It should be noted, however, that inwaterless and sun dried regions there seems little difference between the soil and the subsoil.
Plants, insects, birds, beasts, men, all alike are fed on what grows in this thin layer of soil. If some wild floodin sudden wrath could sweep into the ocean this earth wrapping soil, food would soon become as scarce as it was in Samaria when mothers ate their sons. The face of the earth as we now see it, daintily robed in grass, oruplifting waving acres of corn, or even naked, water-scarred, and disfigured by man's neglect
is very differentfrom what it was in its earliest days. How was it then? How was the soil formed?
Learned men think that at first the surface of the earth was solid rock. How was this rock changed into workable soil? Occasionally a curious boy picks up a rotten stone, squeezes it, and finds his hands filled with dirt, or soil. Continue readingAgriculture For Beginners CHARLES WILLIAM BURKETT
Culinary Herbs M. G. KAINS
A small boy who wanted to make a good impression once took his little sweetheart to an ice cream parlor. After he had vainly searched the list of edibles for something within his means, he whispered to the waiter, "Say, Mister, what you got that looks tony an' tastes nice for nineteen cents?"
This is precisely the predicament in which many thousand people are today. Like the boy, they have skinny purses, voracious appetites and mighty yearnings to make the best possible impression within their means. Perhaps having been "invited out," they learn by actual demonstration that the herbs are culinary magicians which convert cheap cuts and "scraps" into toothsome dainties. They are thus aroused to the fact that by using herbs they can afford to play host
and hostess to a larger number of hungry and envious friends than ever before.
Maybe it is mainly due to these yearnings and to the memories of mother's and grandmother's famous dishesthat so many inquiries concerning the propagation, cultivation, curing and uses of culinary herbs are asked of authorities on gardening and cookery; Continue readingCulinary Herbs M. G. KAINS
Everybody understands that the soil becomes impoverished by continued cropping, if no return be made in the form of manure or fertilizer. This impoverishment is sometimes real, while sometimes it is more apparent than real, owing to the exhaustion of only one or two elements of fertility.
Farmers have learned a great deal about agricultural chemistry since the introduction of artificial fertilizersThey know that while plants demand many things for their growth, there are but three elements which are in danger of being exhausted in ordinary cropping. These three things are nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash.
Lime.-Lime is used on the land not for its direct results as a fertilizer, but because it has the ability to break up combinations already existing in thesoil and set free the plant food that previouslywas in an insoluble form. Lime sometimes produces almost marvelous results; at other times no visible effects whatever. Hence, it is not a fertilizer, though in actual practice it is sometimes a fertilizing agent of great value. Land that has been much manured or long in sod is likely to be benefited by lime. Continue reading
The Vegetable Garden
Perhaps the most characteristic feature of Northern and Eastern farms is the home vegetable garden. Even where no orchard has been planted, and where the ornamental surroundings of the home have been neglected, a fairly well kept garden in which are grown a number of the staple kinds of vegetables is generally to be found. In many cases the principal interest in the garden is manifested by the women of the household and much of the necessary care is given by them.
A small portion of the gardenen closure is generally devoted to the cultivation of flowers, and a number of medicinal plants is invariably present. Throughout the newer parts of the country it is seen that the conditions governing the maintenance and use of the vegetable garden are somewhat different, and, while a number of vegetable crops may be grown somewhere on the farm, there is wanting that distinction so characteristic of the typical New England kitchen garden.
It would be impossible to make an accurate estimate of the value of crops grown in the kitchen gardens of the United States, but from careful observation the statement can safely be made that a well kept garden will yield a return ten to fifteen times greater than would the same area and location if devoted to general farm crops. Continue reading
The Vegetable Garden
More mechanical knowledge is required on the farm than in any other line of business. If a farmer is not mechanically inclined, he is under the necessity of employing someone who is.
Some farms are supplied with a great many handy contrivances to save labour. Farmers differ a great deal in this respect. Some are natural mechanics, some learn how to buy and how to operate the best farm machinery, while others are still living in the past.Some farmers who make the least pretensions have the best machinery and implements. They may not be good mechanics, but they have an eye to the value of laboursaving tools.
The object of this book is to emphasize the importance of mechanics in modern farming; to fit scores of quick-acting machines into the daily routine of farm work and thereby lift heavy loads from the shoulders of men and women; to increase the output at less cost of hand labourand to improve the soil while producing more abundantly than ever before; to suggest the use of suitable machines to manufacture high-priced nutritious human foods from cheap farm by-products.
Illustrations are used to explain principles rather than to recommend any particular type or pattern of machine. Continue readingFarm Mechanics HERBERT A. SHEARER
The American method of teaching the mechanical arts has some disadvantages, as compared with the apprentice system followed in England, and very largely on the continent.
It is too often the case that here a boy or a young man begins work in a machine shop, not for the avowed purpose of learning the trade, but simply as a helper, with no other object in view than to get his weekly wages.Abroad, the plan is one which, for various reasons, could not be tolerated here. There he is bound for a certain term of years, and with the prime object of teaching him to become an artisan. More often than otherwise hepays for this privilege, and he knows it is incumbent on him "to make good" right from the start.
He labors under the disadvantage, however, that he has a certain tenure, and in that course he is not pushed forward from one step to the next on account of any merit of his own. His advancement is fixed by the time hehas put in at each part of the work, and thus no note is taken of his individuality. Continue reading